SEO Writing: 12 Tips on Writing Blog Posts That Rank on Google

To help you in your quest to keep your blog scannable, take advantage ofheader and subheader tagsthat keep your content separated into concise paragraphs. The other half of knowingwhatto write is knowinghowto format your blogs. Providing something different is also a great way toorganically earn backlinks. Other sites are more likely to link to yours if you offer something they can’t reference by linking to competitors. You want to stand out to your crowd by giving readers information they cannot get elsewhere.

How to optimize your blog posts for SEO

Instead, approach them as an opportunity to steer Google’s interpretation of your article in the direction you want. While I fully believe that the information is both correct and helpful, it doesn’t really help someone who is trying to learn and might still feel confused by SEO. For bloggers, the sheer amount of SEO information that is out there can be overwhelming. When learning, we quickly tend to pick a favorite guru and blindly trust what they have to say. The problem lies within the fact that very little of the information out there is written with beginners in mind. Here are the elements you should include in your content.

Keyword Research

If you’re smart, you can use off-page SEO techniques to build a solid brand online and increase organic traffic. In today’s digital marketing, the public determines how relevant and useful your content is. And, Google uses off-page factors to gauge the authority and value of your content pages. Elements that add value to your site, such as internal links, are very important.

STEP 5: How To Promote Your Blog Post

The process of writing an article requires a lot more than just focusing on small details. No matter how perfect you think your blog post is, it’s always a good idea to run a spell and grammar check before you hit publish. You can also find out if your post is easy to read and understand. Word count is also an important factor in SEO, so you can ensure that it is the right length by letting other people read your post. One of the best ways to make sure your blog post is SEO friendly is to let other people read it. This may seem like an obvious tip, but many bloggers forget to do this.

Now I’m ready to start planning the promotion and organizing my ideas. By letting other people read your post, you can get feedback on what keywords and phrases they would use to search for your topic. The first step to writing a great blog post is starting the draft. This can be the hardest part for some people, but getting something down on paper is important. Once you have a rough draft, you can start refining and editing your work. In this case, leveraging an online word counter helps you keep track of your word length.

Each paragraph should deal with just one idea that you explain in only a few sentences. In fact, the ideal length of a paragraph on a blog post is just 3 to 5 lines. Of course, you can have the odd one that is a bit longer, just don’t make them the norm. According to the people behind the Yoast plugin, Google uses text structure as an important factor when it comes to determining rankings.

Creating sustainable channels for organic traffic is important especially if you don't have, or don't want to, invest money in paid advertising. Keep up the awesome works guys I’ve added you guys to my own blogroll. Thank you so much for sharing this very helpful information it is valuable facts to us. This information is very helpful for your visitors, which will provide a lot of good information to the visitors of your website. Thank you for sharing this is very informative post, and looking forward to the latest one. Hope you will give more valuable blogs in the future.

Unlike H1 tags, you can use as many H2s as you like. They make the reader think that it’s going be a lot of work to get through the entire post. Cutting the text into bite-sized pieces makes the entire post seem more manageable. I’ll be the first one to admit that meta descriptions aren’t nearly as glamorous as the other aspects we’re going to cover on the list. By now, "SEO blog-writing" and "keyword research" have become synonymous.